On Wednesday February 24 Sven Nys rode his final cyclocross competition at the Soudal Cyclocross Masters in Waregem, marking the end of an 18-year career with no less than 291 victories and several Belgian and world titles – an absolute record.

For 18 years Sven Nys has lived the life of the professional cyclo-crosser; he is a control freak who leaves nothing to chance, and an ascetic who survives solely on food, rest and cycling. This brand new documentary gives us the chance to witness at first hand Nys’ lifestyle and personal discipline for the very first time. Director Jan Vandermotte followed Nys’ every move for an entire year. The result is a unique chance to get into the head and the life of a true sports phenomenon.

SVEN – The Final Year premierd in Belgian cinemas in February of 2016, and was broadcast as a two-part documentary on Canvas.


Channel: Canvas
Genre: Docu, sport
Broadcasting Period: 2016


International Ficts Festival

Best Documentary (Nomination)

Rueda Festival

Best Movie (Nomination) Prize of the Public (Nomination)