Back To School is a fun game show in which the host is the head teacher and two pairs of celebrities are the pupils. Through five rounds of school subjects, the celebrities – two by two behind their desks – try to get the highest grades on their report cards. The pair with the best grades takes the Final Exam to determine which contestant runs off with the title of Class Captain.

The game show is set in a vintage classroom which inspires the celebrities to share cherished, painful and mostly hilarious memories of their school past. The host is a warm and friendly teacher but she always has the last word.

Back To School, a light-hearted and amusing quiz show in five seasons. 

For sales inquiries, please contact Siobhan Crawford at The New Flemish Primitives.


Channel: Eén
Genre: Game
Broadcasting Period: van 2010 tot 2014


De Vlaamse Televisie Sterren