Crazy (about) Belgium is a documentary road movie in which Marc Reynebeau and Bart De Wever embark on a search for the identity of people from Flanders and Wallonia.

For a while now, more and more people in Flanders express separatist views. Those who want Flanders to be independent think that the economic, social and cultural differences between Flanders and Wallonia are too big to hold on to Belgium. Others believe that the ties that bind North and South are more important than the things that separate us. They think that thanks to the way we deal with those differences Belgium is a model country in Europe.

Crazy (about) Belgium makes a daring analysis of that Belgian model. What are the pros and cons? Is (the separation of) Belgium possible, useful, wanted? Does Belgium still have a future? Or is the marriage between Flanders and Wallonia over after more than 175 years and will a new state reform lead to an inevitable divorce?

Journalist and historian Marc Reynebeau and Bart De Wever, president of the Flemish nationalist party N-VA, searched for the identity of Flanders and Wallonia, their contrasts and conflicts, in a surprising and sometimes funny way.

Crazy (about) Belgium was broadcast on Canvas in 2007.


Channel: Canvas
Genre: Docu
Broadcasting Period: 2007