The subjects have a broad social range, from health to work to love. From traffic to relationships to finance. The numbers are the basis, the people form the stories.
50% of the women have an average weight, although 82% consider themselves too heavy.
1 on 6 teachers took out a personal insurance against violence at the start of school year. The average age on which Flemings buy a home rose to 34. For 58% of the Flemings, sexting (sending sexually explicit texts) is considered adultery. 15% of the Belgians lives below the poverty line. And seven out of ten women take care of the household chores by themselves.
All the numbers and statistics are the stepping stone to a conversation. For every opinion there is another. Francesca doesn’t look for controversy, but doesn’t shy away from it either. She lets different voices speak out. She moderates, unravels and argues. But above all: Francesca listens. Starting Wednesday the numbers will never be the same.
The numbers
Francesca won’t rely solely on existing Flemish and Belgian numbers. She gets access to new numbers of institutions and the government, looks for the surprising connections between numbers and translates the remarkable results of foreign research to Flanders.
Moreover, Numbers don’t lie will work together with Survey Agency IVOX to obtain new numbers about the behaviour and the opinion of Flemings. This is how Numbers don’t lie keeps in touch with everything relevant in Flanders today.