Stafari is a light-hearted animal show which teaches children something as well. During two seasons Staf Coppens and his dogs, first Waf, later Blaf, get to know the world of a couple of animals.

Staf and his dog travel through Belgium in order to learn as much as possible about the world of animals. In the zoo, on the farm or just in the open air they look for big, small, nice, creepy, dangerous and sweet animals. Staf teaches the world of animals something too. He gives a pelican swimming lessons and shows newborn butterflies how to fly.

According to the jury that presents the award of the Flemish Community Stafari “brings viewers closer to animals. As a viewer you get the feeling you’re standing right next to them and you keep watching the tales and adventures of the animals with great interest.”

Ketnet regularly airs reruns of this show.


Channel: Ketnet
Genre: Kids
Broadcasting Period: van 2003 tot 2005