Test Your Vote was first broadcast on 20th of April 2003. The show was dedicated to the federal elections of 18th of May 2003. The viewers could express their opinions on 36 topics and received their personal political profile via mobile phone, telephone or the Internet.
The second edition of Test Your Vote was dedicated to the elections of 13th of June 2004. The concept was the same, but this time there were three episodes in which the viewers got 33 questions each time about one single topic: quality of life in the first, money in the second and norms and values in the third.
Heads 04
Heads 04 was a series of reports closely linked to ‘Test your Vote’.
In Heads 04 some topics from ‘Test your Vote’ were elaborated further upon. Every topic was based on stories of real people, and these stories were the starting point for Heads 04.
The reports in Heads 04 made the topics of ‘Test your Vote’ more real and relevant. “Fastfood restaurants should clearly state of how many calories their meals consist”, “A driving permit is for life” or “There should be a legal maximum for wages of top managers” were some of the topics from ‘Test your Vote’ that were elaborated upon.
De Mensen produced these programmes in close cooperation with vrtnieuws.net, the VRT online news website.